Chinese Language Tuition

Chinese Language Tuition

China is renowned for its' bicycles which are still a predominant feature of many cities but not advisable for the western tourist! In fact it is not even a good idea to attempt to hire a self-drive car. China shares the Asian style of driving with many of its' neighbours and, until you have experienced it, it is hard to believe that there are comparitively few accidents.

The best way to travel locally is to hire a car and driver. This is not as frivolous as you might expect as the charges are relatively low compared to European standards. The other way is to go by taxi which is also fairly economical.

Buses are not recommended for a variety of reasons, but trains can be quite good providing you can book a superior class seat and are lucky enough to have a newish train. However, the stations are another challenge as seemingly half the population of China like to travel by train and all at the same time!

I can give you further specific advice about travel, having circumnavigated most of the country in one month with my husband who was keen to see as much of the country as possible by land!
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